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There is so much to love about bliss balls. Whether you are just getting started on your bliss ball journey or if you are a professional and are looking for some outside inspiration to spice up your routine you’ve come to the right place. Bliss 16 gives you step by step instructions for 16 of my favourite tried and tested blissful bliss ball recipes.

All these recipes are quick and easy to make, they don’t require cooking (beyond melting chocolate) or much chopping because you simply throw all the ingredients into a food processor, keep well in the fridge or you can freeze them and take them out as desired and contain at most 7 ingredients.

In addition to being delicious, versatile and simple bliss to make balls are to make the health benefits of bliss balls are impressive thanks to their base components being nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are packed full of health promoting compounds. They are great sources of unsaturated fats, protein and fibre as well as containing iron, zinc, selenium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and many other minerals and vitamins. Dried fruits are also concentrated sources of nutrients such as iron (particularly high in dried
apricots), calcium (high in dried figs) and fibre which helps keep your digestive tract moving and healthy.
The natural sugars in dried fruits provide a quick pick me up while being much kinder on your blood sugar than refined sugar because the healthy fats and fibre in the nuts regulate its absorption.

Above all else enjoy!  Invite your loved ones into the kitchen and share in the joy of creating together.

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