Neurolinguistic Programming

The Creation of Choice & How to Get What You Really Want

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is, at its core, the modelling of excellence. 

NLP is a means to discovering how you currently think and how you can learn to think in new ways that are more useful to allowing you more of what you want and less of what you don’t want.  

This may sound simple but the reality of what this means in real life is profound. Since it’s conception in the 1970s NLP has enabled dramatic life change for many people because in a nutshell experiencing less of what we don’t want and more of what we do want is what makes for a great life.   

Many if not most of us go our entire lives believing our thoughts and therefore our feelings and reactions to events that happen to us are out of our control. However, when you learn how to gain control over your thoughts, feelings and actions everything changes and things which once de-railed you and caused you to react automatically no longer will. 

NLP gives the means by which to bridge the gap between “I should keep that in mind to try next time” to “wow that’s just not even a problem anymore”. There is a big difference between the knowing and experiencing and it is in the living of it is where my interests lie, after all we only get this one chance at life. 

The principals and processes of NLP allow for the achievement of effective and often rapid change in any given area of life because rather than focus on the problem and what is going wrong NLP focuses on what it is you want and how to get there.  

NLP works off the principal that exceptional skills are not the result of inborn abilities or talents but the result of a series of reproducible actions.

It presupposes hat as human beings our brains share more similarities than differences.
That we are all capable of producing similar outcomes if we follow the same steps that allowed for another person to be successful in the area we wish to be successful (whether this be getting out of bed in the morning, quitting smoking, exercising, overcoming depression, grief, PTSD or building a business, public speaking, sports and so on).

NLP recognises that much of our experience is brought about by our specific thinking patterns. That is the way we see, hear and feel things and represent these in our internal world.  

It brings the focus back to the things which are within our control to change and what to do in order to get the outcome you want and therefore achieves results much quicker than traditional therapy routes which often focus the majority of time and energy on the problem.

When we focus on the problem this has the opposite effect of disempowering you and serving to keep you stuck and unresourceful rather than moving forward and creatively generating new possibilities and expanding choices.  

NLP provides the ‘how to’ change in the quickest most effective way for you.

Opening your ability to both overcome significant emotional life events as well as to reach new levels of excellence. 

To me NLP is the expansion of choice.

When we are limited in our choices, we feel stuck, bored, depressed, anxious or any number of so-called negative emotions but when we are liberated through the creation of choice, we are free to expand and move beyond the mundane into creating and experiencing an unprecedented level of high-quality living as our daily reality.

If you want to experience how change can be the opposite of every cliché you’ve heard (hard, long, tedious, not always possible…) then consider NLP because NLP offers bold, proactive, clear and immediately actionable steps that allow you to make change today.

Whether that brand new world be overcoming one obstacle such as quitting smoking, creating a healthy relationship with food and your body, gaining more confidence, being the best mum you can be or taking your career or sporting achievement to the next level it doesn’t matter because NLP is about giving you what you want in the fastest and most effective way for you.

After that you can take it as far as you desire.

Become Great.  Live Great.


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